More Trenchless Thoughts- Part II
Why trenchless technology? Protect the man in the trench is but ONE reason. Another reason is MONEY....I'm not talking about the short-term. In the longer term, trenchless installation and renewal is the BEST way to go. If you're putting a horizontal boring underneath a highway, you'll see an immediate savings. You don't have to pay for traffic control if you're not digging a trench in the middle of the road. Figure maybe three to four thousand dollars a day for trench traffic control. And you NEVER get the road fixed up to the same standard it was when it was originally installed. You get a dip after it settles or a speed bump if you put in too much asphalt or concrete to cover the trench. That's two strikes on trenched or 'open-cut' installation right away.
Now, what about BUSINESSES? Trench right in front of a shopping center, and the shoppers don't want to go throught the hassle, or the mud, to go in....that results in a loss of potential revenue for the business. With a trenchless installation, you're away to one side of the business, not in front of it. The shoppers may notice vibrations, but that's IT! Government won't lose revenue either, from the taxes they gain on gross reciepts. Heck, you can even PARK on top of a trenchless installation/repair...nobody will know the difference. Government can even reap the benefit of the fares on the parking meters!
We can go on and on and on about the reduction in costs to the citizen by the use of trenchless methods of repairs, but only your city government or state government can make the conscious CHOICE to make their repairs and installations trenchless, and thus minimally invasive.
These, among other subjects regarding trenchless technology, will be explored in future posts.
Until next time,
Trenchless Geologist
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